Cookies Policy

This policy is designed to tell you about your privacy when using our website. Please also read our Privacy Policy.

Use of “cookies”

A cookie is a standard feature of websites that allow us to store a tiny file on your computer or browser when you visit our web pages. uses cookies to enable you to browse our site and use its features in a more efficient way – for example by recognizing you and storing your booking in your shopping basket until you checkout. Our cookies don't use or store personally identifiable information (i.e. information which can be used to reveal who you are). A list of the cookies used on this website, by category, is set out below.

Types of cookies we use

First party Session cookies: These cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of this website. They are essential in order for us to remember the products and services you have ordered as you go through the check out process and to track any visits to our affiliate sites during your browsing session. They are created temporarily when you open your browser window and are deleted when you close the browser window. Session cookies cannot be used to identify you personally or to remember our preferences beyond that one browser session. 

Third party cookies: These are set by a party other than us (i.e. a third party). We use third party cookies set by the Google Analytics to monitor use of our website and improve our online service to you. We cannot identify you personally by using Google Analytics.  

Disabling cookies

You are free to disable the creation of Cookies on your browser through your browser settings, however please be aware you will lose some functionality of this website. Please visit for further information.

Partner cookies

We work closely with carefully-selected partners who may also set cookies during your visit to their site(s).  Please note that we're not responsible for the content or cookie policy of other websites, including those belonging to our partners, even if you access them via our own site.
